Is Brandee Jasmine really a pastor?

Yes. She’s actually, literally, in real life ordained clergy (in good and regular standing) in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. She has successfully pastored congregations in Utah, Nebraska, and Kansas.
She doesn’t understand it either.

Is Brandee Jasmine published in other places?


2010. “TOO YOUNG TO BE BLACK: THE INTERGENERATIONAL COMPATIBILITY OF BLACK THEOLOGY” 333-362 Walk Together Children: Black and Womanist Theologies, Church, and Theological Education. Edited by Dwight N. Hopkins and Linda E. Thomas. Eugene: Cascade Books. Click here to purchase.

2020. Speaking Truth to Power: Women Raising their Voices in Prayer. 97-98, 148. Edited by Emily Peck-McClain, Jen Tyler, Shannon Sullivan, and Theresa Thames. Abingdon Press. Click here to purchase.

2021. Dear Black Girl: Letters from Your Sisters on Stepping into Your Power. 46-48. Tamara Winfrey Harris. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Click here to purchase.

(CV available upon request)

How many tattoos does she have?

10. But that’s because she can’t do math. She counts her tattoos by location: right forearm, left forearm, left bicep/shoulder, neck, back, lower back, right ankle, left ankle, chest, and head. She’s got tattoos in English, Hebrew, Arabic, Coptic, Ethiopic, and Hindi. The designs are equally eclectic.

Why so many selfies? And I heard there were corset pics….

“We have but one face. But we all have different facets of ourselves that we present to the world. Show the world your facets.” - Rev. Dr. Roderick Belin.

Sometimes Brandee Jasmine takes selfies because she was playing in makeup and she wants to remember that look. Sometimes she takes selfies because she needs to remember that God sees her differently than she sees herself. Sometimes she takes selfies because, frankly, she looks good that day. Whatever reason she took the shot, it’s a facet of herself that’s worth sharing.

Click a corset pic to find the Corset Collection.

Are all of these original posts?

Mostly, yes. Kind of. Many of the blog posts - and most of the pictures - are posted on Brandee Jasmine’s social media pages. This little corner of the Interwebz is a collection station, a repository of my rants and selfies, to keep everything easily accessible.

Is her hair really purple? Like, really?

Brandee Jasmine’s natural hair color is purple. She spends lots of money, time, and effort making sure the hair that grows out of her head becomes her natural color. It’s really purple. Really. Violet. Amethyst. Orchid. Purple.