Pharoah Did it First
For Black women, these state-forced pregnancies can be deadly. Because of implicit bias in health care, Black women still receive prenatal care at lower rates and are still more likely to die during and after childbirth than every other race. The Dobbs decision ignores the possibility of harm. It ignores the impact of Black maternal mortality on the future of the Black community. It ignores the lack of access to adequate health care and the possibility that Black mothers who choose to opt out of dangerous hospital births risk losing their children to the foster care system. Like Pharoah, the Supreme Court’s decision willfully disregards the suffering of the least of these for the sake of preserving the power of the state, for the sake of preserving white Christian nationalism.

Wolves, Lambs, and Lions … oh my!
Isaiah 65:17-25 is not the hope for the obliteration of differences, where the oppressor and oppressed might co-exist. The fantasy of the white liberal - that sees the fight for the sovereignty of Black lives on the same binary plane as white supremacy - that recreates the text to suggest that those who suffer might make room for those who caused the suffering is anti-Biblical and, frankly, idolatry.

God’s Coming Out
Coming Out: the radical act of self-disclosure, telling on one’s self, emerging from unknown to being known. God did it first. God comes out. Theological reflections on and for National Coming Out Day.

I Saw Jude
“I had a dream and I think I saw Jude.”
Then I read what he had to say. I think I see Jude. I think I’ve heard him speak. I think I’ve seen the ones he was speaking of and I think I know the ones in his audience.
The wind blew… and I saw Jude.

On Cloaks and Freedom
It’s Palm Sunday. Take your cloak off. Twist it around your hand, wave it like a helicopter …. or whatever Mark said.

Death Becomes Us
Death is not the absence of life. It’s part of living.
Death is not an evil, abhorrent interruption of the natural order. It’s a necessary component for nature to exist.

So Clean
Nothing that God made is unclean.

Unwrapping Lazarus
Jesus said, “Unwrap him.”

Like a Rock
Thinking through David and Goliath.

It Ain’t New
“We gotta stop theologizing like we're in a vacuum and just happened to come upon this idea that existed for the first time ever when we saw it.”

400 Years….
Theodicy in the era of hyper-wokedness

Keep Walking
Your promise is yours.

No Asterisks.
Nothing can separate us from God’s love. Nothing. Without exception. Nothing.