Spring Cleaning
Stop demanding humans be extraordinary or mini-deities. Stop attempting to create already formed beings - whole adult humans - in the image of what you need them to be. Stop assuming you have the power to fix, change, mold a whole ‘nother human being. Stop ignoring each other’s humanity for the sake of saving your need for a savior. Stop insisting on strength and uncomplicated. Stop.
Let humans be human.
And, while we’re at it, stop with the ahistoricity. The past absolutely has an impact on the present. The foolishment of 5 years ago breathes today. Redemption ain’t never ever meant that yesterday never happened. Stop thinking new mercies mean the ability to escape from the consequences of your actions. You can change, be a whole better person and your past STILL catch up with you. That’s the difference between moving on and reconciling. I know we look at high government officials like “well, what they did last year doesn’t impact them this year so I’m good. Who I hurt a decade ago is irrelevant to the moves I’m tryna make today. It was on them to forgive me ... whether they did or not, I’m good.”
(And if your pastor preaches it does, find a new pastor cause that one’s an idiot.)
Things bounce back. What you put out, you’ll receive... even if it’s a decade or two later. The past doesn’t cease to exist because today turns into tomorrow. Fix yourself. Make right the harm you cause without glossing over it. Do good, do right by people TODAY, so that folk ain’t fighting against reality to turn you into a saint when all the harm you caused catches up with you.
And, for the last damn time, “good for the community” means the WHOLE community. If there’s an asterisk in that clause, if parts of the community are excluded because of who they are, it ain’t good for the community. If the work you’re doing excludes the marginalized and least of these in your own damn community it’s philanthropic masturbation and you coulda saved that for the privacy of your own home. It ain’t good for Black people if you’re leaving out loud Black women, dark skin Black women, BGLTQIA Black people, fat Black people, disabled Black people, poor Black people, or if you’re looking down on the same.
I just ... what are y’all doing in the year of the Lord 2019 that we still having these same conversations?! Cancers aren’t monolithic. One thing doesn’t cure em all. Bodies can’t fight off viruses or bacteria alone. Modern medicine saves lives. Eating fruits and vegetables makes you healthier but you will still die. A life of the sword is death by the sword. Some of us need to go and talk to our elders so we can stop with the foolishment. And some of us who think we elders really ain’t and need to shut the entire **** up.