Every morning, before my coffee and without my glasses, I stare out the window. I cannot make the coffee pour any more quickly than the machine will make it so I stand there. And I stare. I stand there. I stare. And I think.

Pre-Coffee Thoughts

Brandee Jasmine Brandee Jasmine

She Said It Saturday: We SEE You!

When I was young, coming up in ministry, one of my Big Sisters in Ministry (BSIM) caught me acting at an Annual Conference. She pulled me aside and, with Brooklyn all over her face, asked me, “who are you right now and who are you trying to be?!”

I was acting. Pretending. Whoever I really was had ceased to be visible for the character I was playing, the person I thought I should be for the Church, for my family, for … some strange reason. As seasons change and I shift with the winds of life, I frequently hear her voice in my head demanding to know who I am and who I’m trying to be. Sometimes, I look around me and want to ask the world, the Church, the people around me the same thing. A couple of years ago, I did.

On this first (and maybe last) “She Said it Saturday" I share my version of my BSIM’s question. Set to Cee-Lo Green’s “Big Ole Words,” I ask simply, “what happened to y’all?” I was tired then. And I’m tired now. Here is We SEE You! from July 2020.

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Brandee Jasmine Brandee Jasmine

Just Say It

“I can’t speak NRSV. Jesus ain’t speak NRSV. God sho’ain’t speak NRSV. Jesus predates the English language and certainly the American form of it. Since the Word of God ain’t bound to a particular form of English, neither am I bound to read the Bible in that form of English. So I read it in my native tongue.”

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